Wednesday, 8 August 2007

Microsoft is dumb!

I'm English. I live in Portugal. I speak some Portuguese, but for technical documents I definitely prefer to read them in English. I have indicated this in my IE7 browser settings (under Tools/Internet Options/General/Languages) where "en-GB" is listed as my preferred language for viewing web pages.

So how come Microsoft doesn't use this setting itself? It's visible to any web server. Yet, when I went today to download some updates from Microsoft and then clicked to read the associated documentation, it was presented to me in Portuguese? Yes, my IP address will be listed as being in Portugal, but that should not override my stated language preference.

This is a clear case of incompetent techie-ness. The IP address location should not be used to make assumptions about my language, only my physical location.

What hope do we have for updates and fixes if Microsoft can't/won't use their own technology intelligently?

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