Thursday, 1 October 2009

Navigon and iPhone - perfect!

I've had the Navigon software on my iPhone for a few days now. On Monday evening I went to meet an old friend for dinner in Lagos, which is not familiar territory for me. The Navigon system took me straight to his hotel (buried in the tiny back streets) and then we headed for a restaurant on the other side of the town. Our destination was in a pedestrian street in the heart of the old city. This proved the value of having the SatNav in my phone - seeing from the (very clear) display that we were within a few hundred metres of the target, I spotted a parking place and dived into it. It was then a simple matter of pulling the iPhone out of its dashboard mount, changing the journey "profile" to "pedestrian" and completing the journey on foot. Flawless!

This aspect of needing to complete the last part of a journey on foot convinces me absolutely that it's better to have a phone-based navigation system rather than a dedicated SatNav. Although some of the aftermarket systems have battery support, you'd feel a bit of an idiot walking along with a 7" Navigon screen in your hands! And even less useful would be a SatNav built into the car - once you've parked, how are you going to remember the 8 turns between your parking place and your destination?

iPhone rocks!

1 comment:

marcus said...

Ah, another reason to add to the list of justifications for getting an iphone. Must resist...
Glad to see you're well Jeremy, many Flickrists have been concerned by your absence.